Lanie Kate Killian arrived on January 8th at 11:00 p.m. weighing 6lbs 13 oz and 18 inches long. She decided to come three weeks early on her own. I had went into the doctor to get my blood pressure checked at about 1 p.m. and started having contractions ten minutes later! It was 10 times easier then having Cash was. Since then we have been back in the hospital twice because she lost ten percent of her birth weight and had jaundice and was having a hard time figuring out how to "suck". Poor little thing still is not where she should be because now she has "thrush" which is a painful bacterial infection in her mouth. So hopefully she will start getting to where she needs to be in the next week or so. Besides that she is such a good baby, really NEVER cries and would sleep all night if I did not wake her up to eat.
Cash really does not pay much attention to her unless she has a bottle and he doesn't... then he tries to get hers LOL. And now she is in his old bouncy seat so he tries to get in there with her!! I think in about a year they will be best buds!